LA State Superintendent Cade Brumley 2023 | Louisiana Department of Education
LA State Superintendent Cade Brumley 2023 | Louisiana Department of Education
Of the 19,377 students attending schools in the Tangipahoa Parish district, 46.6% were Black or African American. White students were the second largest ethnicity in the Tangipahoa Parish district (38.8%).
In the previous school year, Black or African American students were the most common group in Tangipahoa Parish districts, representing 46.4% of the student body.
Tangipahoa Parish had student body, which included Black or African American, white, Hispanic or Latino, Multi-racial, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
In the 2021-22 school year, the total number of students enrolled in school districts in the parish dropped 0.8% when compared to the previous year.
There is only one district within Tangipahoa Parish, with its head office located in Amite.
In 2022, there was roughly one teacher for every 18 students, compared to the national average of 1:16.
The majority of Louisiana students were identified as white and Black, representing 48% and 37% of the state student body respectively during the 2021–2022 academic year. Hispanic students made up 8.6% of the student body, and other ethnic minorities made up 5.6%.
Only 22% of Louisiana’s teachers are Black or Latino, compared to about 48% of the state's K–12 students who identify as either race.
District | Most prevalent ethnic group | Percent of Total Student Body | Total enrollment |
Tangipahoa Parish | Black or African American | 46.6% | 19,377 |